As part of our commitment to safeguarding, it is a requirement that all staff obtain safeguarding certificates by completing 2 short, free online courses: Safeguarding and Prevent. These courses must be completed prior to employment, even if you have worked with us before.
Submission Instructions: Once you have completed the courses, go to the Employee Dashboard and click on Uploads to access the upload section. Then, upload your documents under the relevant category.
If you are new to PLUS, complete 'Course 1, Awareness'. If you are a returner, complete 'Refresher Awareness'.
To begin either course, click here.
To begin the Safeguarding course, click here. Complete the relevant course to your role as listed below:
Activity Leaders: Complete 'Safeguarding for Activity Staff'
Teachers: Complete 'Safeguarding for Teachers'
Campus and Activity Managers, Welfare Officers and Course Directors: Complete 'Safeguarding for Managers'
To download your Safeguarding certificate, return to your main profile, select the completed course, and scroll down to the ‘Certificate’ section in the dark blue column. There, click ‘Download Certificate’.
Professional Linguistic Upper Studies
Thank you for your interest in working with PLUS USA and Canada.
Recruitment for positions in 2019 will begin soon. In order to apply, we kindly request that you return to this page in February. In the meantime, if you have any queries, please contact
We look forward to hearing from you.